Wednesday 18 January 2012

Chennai is Sleeping....!!!!!!

Here i go... the next blog.. chennai is sleepin.. am writing this for those ppl who really have enjoyed the night time in chennai...

For the past 4 years.. i ve seen the night life on chennai, the good as well as the bad and i know how beautiful yo are...!!!!!

Thou there are the negative sides of it, let me tel yo bout the positive sides.

Pollution- Comparing it with the day time, i feel there is hardly any pollution in the nights (unless otherwise yo don't go behind any garbage truck/ water lorry, YES they do run in the nights also)

Traffic- I reach home from tidal park (for those who don't know wr tidal park is google it!!!! :) ) in 3 minutes in the night, where as in the mornings it takes me min. 15 minutes to cross the 3 kms distance..

Beauty- Chennai is one god damn beautiful place in the night.. the ambience is fantastic..

Guys feel it to know it...

The negative part--- i ain't gonna spoil this blog,.. yo itself go n find it out..

P.S.. This blog is of utter boredness.. don't expect anythin new..

Love yo allllllllllllll.... :)

Friday 18 November 2011

Introduction (Side Actor pls!! or atleast America Mapillai)!!!!!

Well, well, here i am.. into the damn cyber world.. of late, have been pretty interested in bloggin.. thanks to a friend, who inspired me to type wat ever i feel. it really feels good to share ur thoughts..

It's been 25 years since i poked ma head out.. and man wat a journey is this... phew... am ready mate.. ready for another quarter century..bring it on...!!!!

Had an excellent schooling and high school.. got very good friends who i know will be with me until the end.. there were some who kinda came and went but who cares..!!!!

Good friends became great friends.. had ppl with funny name's.. eg: i was called Kuchi (Stick), another one (ma bro) was called Star* :) for funny reasons, another bro was called Madhu (for known reasons), thn there was Nattai (Tall guy), then palla (Teeth Fellow)... man, list goes on..

Then came, College... man, this is were i learned wat life was.. met many ppl from various places.. had fights, love, emotional things and all.. can never forget uncle joe... bro i wu never forget yo... :) thou v were from diff department, i felt we had a long standing friendship..

Baloon, Perasu, Loose Mart, Mandai.. guys i do miss yo... :)

Guess this is gettin waaaayy tooo emotional.. catch ya later...